Hi Friends.
The next show will be a house concert on Saturday November 17. Mark your calendar.
The invite will go out on Rocktober 1 and there is a suggested donation of $5 with your RSVP (for all you can eat and drink and rock).
More deets to come.
Hey. Thanks to all you rockers who came out to our show at Capital Brewery last night (9/20/12). We love you.
Every time HIATUS plays, people who know me always tell me, "I have never seen you smile so much..."
There is a reason for this.
I do love to rock, of course. But the main reason I am smiling is because I am so amazed by how we are managing to hold the rock show and stage performance together as well as we do. The audience doesn't know this, but when we play we are always right on the very edge of total derailment, crashing and burning, at all times.
Yet we don't. We take it right up to the limit, but not beyond, and that is why I am smiling. Because there is no train wreck, and I can't believe it. But I am enjoying the maximal rocking we are firehosing in your face too.
We are tentatively toying with the idea of our next show being a house concert on Saturday November 17th, 6 to 10 PM at a location TBD. So tentatively mark it in your calendar and stay tuned.
Every time HIATUS plays, people who know me always tell me, "I have never seen you smile so much..."
There is a reason for this.
I do love to rock, of course. But the main reason I am smiling is because I am so amazed by how we are managing to hold the rock show and stage performance together as well as we do. The audience doesn't know this, but when we play we are always right on the very edge of total derailment, crashing and burning, at all times.
Yet we don't. We take it right up to the limit, but not beyond, and that is why I am smiling. Because there is no train wreck, and I can't believe it. But I am enjoying the maximal rocking we are firehosing in your face too.
We are tentatively toying with the idea of our next show being a house concert on Saturday November 17th, 6 to 10 PM at a location TBD. So tentatively mark it in your calendar and stay tuned.
Rock Gods Smiling on Tomorrow's Blitzkrieg of Rock
The Rock Gods are really smiling on our HIATUS rock-n-roll show tomorrow, weatherwise, although you might want to wear a hoodie later in the evening...along with your dancing shoes and diapers (the latter is highly recommended, due to the multiple times your @$$ will be blown out at this show!).
The Rock Gods are really smiling on our HIATUS rock-n-roll show tomorrow, weatherwise, although you might want to wear a hoodie later in the evening...along with your dancing shoes and diapers (the latter is highly recommended, due to the multiple times your @$$ will be blown out at this show!).

Rock Fuel
Dudes who work at pizza places swagger around acting aloof and cool, but they still are dudes who work at a pizza place. There is no amount of chubby, comic book afficianado smugness that can trump that sad fact. Don't get me wrong. I worked at a pizza place in high school. I did not aspire to it. I did not take pride in it. Indeed, it sucked. And so I more or less embraced the suck, did my time, and got out.
That said, I do like the fact that the employees at Roman Candle Pizzeria in Middleton WI seem to enjoy their jobs. That is mainly because I am here waiting for them to whip me up a couple of 'zas and I would be a lot more worried about spittle or fingernails in the pizza sauce if these were malaise-ridden, angsty, service drones who hated THE MAN.
The Roman Candle is a good place. They have a ton of vegan and veggie options for the pizza. It's not cheap, but I give them high marks for accommodating granola types and style.
I decided to be generous and spring for 2 pizzas for HIATUS band practice tonight. Lord knows I have consumed a decent amount of the band's hard earned beer fund, so it is about time I contributed. Not that my rocking awesomeness is not payment enough, but I am just that kind of guy.
So here I sit at Roman Candle waiting for them to complete the "rock fuel" that will power the band practice of the greatest and best Wisconsin cover band to date.
These hipster pizza dudes have no idea what their toils are going towards. If they did, they would bow down before me and offer me the 2 pizza pies for free, with much humble praise and prostration. But I am not looking for accolades. I just want a belly full of pizza to tide me over during the martial arts exercises that compose a HIATUS band practice.
On Thursday September 20, HIATUS puts all our skills to the test when we rock the arses off the people at Capital Brewery in Middleton. 5 to 9 PM.
Be there.
That said, I do like the fact that the employees at Roman Candle Pizzeria in Middleton WI seem to enjoy their jobs. That is mainly because I am here waiting for them to whip me up a couple of 'zas and I would be a lot more worried about spittle or fingernails in the pizza sauce if these were malaise-ridden, angsty, service drones who hated THE MAN.
The Roman Candle is a good place. They have a ton of vegan and veggie options for the pizza. It's not cheap, but I give them high marks for accommodating granola types and style.
I decided to be generous and spring for 2 pizzas for HIATUS band practice tonight. Lord knows I have consumed a decent amount of the band's hard earned beer fund, so it is about time I contributed. Not that my rocking awesomeness is not payment enough, but I am just that kind of guy.
So here I sit at Roman Candle waiting for them to complete the "rock fuel" that will power the band practice of the greatest and best Wisconsin cover band to date.
These hipster pizza dudes have no idea what their toils are going towards. If they did, they would bow down before me and offer me the 2 pizza pies for free, with much humble praise and prostration. But I am not looking for accolades. I just want a belly full of pizza to tide me over during the martial arts exercises that compose a HIATUS band practice.
On Thursday September 20, HIATUS puts all our skills to the test when we rock the arses off the people at Capital Brewery in Middleton. 5 to 9 PM.
Be there.
Closing Down Summer With HIATUS on September 20
Hi Friends.
Labor Day weekend is NOT the last weekend of summer as all the Negative Nellies and Debbie Downers would lead you to believe.
No indeed.
Per astronomy, that wonderful science of the planetary bodies, the last moment of summer is the Autumnal Equinox, which is not until Saturday September 22 at 10:49 AM (EDT).
This Labor Day weekend is merely the kickoff to the final fortnight and a half (3 weeks) of summer, that frenetic period of panic as you realize you have not done everything you wanted to do this summer (or on rare occasions, the satisfied contentedness that indeed you have had a fabulously productive and fun summer).
So when HIATUS rocks the Capital Brewery in Middleton WI on Thursday September 20 (5-9 PM), it will be one of the last great rock-n-roll shows of summer 2012. And you should be there.
That should be your heralding out of summer 2012. Labor Day weekend is just a long weekend to go have some fun and think about how you are going to MAXIMIZE your fun the last 3 weeks of summer 2012, culminating with the incredibly awesome, arse-blowing rock show by HIATUS on September 20 (you will need 2 days to recover from the insane fun levels you will achieve at this show, which will carry you into fall...).
See ya.
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