My band HIATVS pretty much only plays ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERTS. We will occasionally play a public venue if it is a really worthy cause. But house concerts are where it is at for us.
On paper, you know all the "official" reasons. Free food and beer, consequence free environment, comfy chairs and friendly people, clean bathrooms, dates and times of our own convenience, and great music.
But there is one reason we love playing house concerts that trumps them all. And tonight, you are going to find out what it is...
So be there.
6 to 10 PM in Madison WI. Bring a little something to share.
A Stupidly Clever Way to Support HIATVS This Holiday Season
The holidays are nigh upon us. HAPPY HOLIDAZE!
We will be celebrating them all at once on Saturday 11/17, when we throw our ROCK-N-ROLL (HOLIDAY) HOUSE CONCERT, as many of you already know.
We thank you for supporting the house concert music model, even if you only did so in spirit, but especially if you contributed to the awesome vision. You are awesome! House concerts are where it is at for live music and ours are the best (and for now, the only ones around here) house concerts.
There's another stupidly clever and easy way to support our rocking mission and vision.
I posted a link to GUPPY EFFECT's holiday cult classic rock single "Gingerbread (Zombie) Army" over there, upper right, as you can plainly see.
But I'm not asking you to download it or do really anything at all. I mean, you can. It's a clever good song. But that's not why it's there.
All I want you to do is click on the GINGERBREAD (ZOMBIE) ARMY thumbnail over there.
That's it.
Because in full disclosure, it helps support this blog and all the musical endeavors we undertake, albeit only a tiny tiny bit, but at no cost to you.
When you click that link, it will just stick a temporary 72 hour totally benign cookie on your computer (from Amazon...they put cookies on your computer all the time, and you don't even know it...they mean us no harm...they just want us to buy stuff!), and if you should happen to buy anything at all at Amazon in that time window, Amazon will credit us (specifically, Manwich, the brains of the operation) a small kickback (like 4% or something).
It's a percentage of their profit margin, not an extra cost to your already skyrocketing holiday shopping bill.
It ain't much. But it's free and effortless (for you). It would be totally uncool if it wasn't.
But this way is totally cool, because unbeknownst to you (although, now 'knownst, since I am telling you), Amazon pays us for the favor of sending them traffic (you). It's totally passive and is just a way for Amazon to thank us for sending people to their site to buy stuff.
Isn't that stupidly clever?
I mean, Christmas is coming. Some of you are undoubtedly going to buy stuff from Amazon, because its quick and easy and mostly because it avoids the malls and all the heinous and disgusting people who are roaming there.
So why not help out awesome rock-n-roll while doing what you would be doing anyway?
Just click the thumbnail there, and then close whatever new web browser window pops up (It'll be AMAZON, trust me). Then totally forget about it.
That's it!
2 clicks of the mouse (maybe 2 seconds of your life, depending on how fast your Internet connection is) and HIATVS' rock-n-roll gets supported by THE MAN. It doesn't get any better than that (certainly not until after the New Year).
With the holidays fast approaching, chances are you will end up inadvertently buying something on Amazon within the next three days, and in so doing you passively support our musical and creative activities with your blind consumerism.
When it happens, you won't even think about it. Technology does the rest.
In fact, if you are planning to shop at Amazon any time this holiday season, stop by this site first (bookmark it), and click the thumbnail.
And like I said, if you want to download GUPPY EFFECT's rock-n-roll holiday anthem GINGERBREAD (ZOMBIE) ARMY, all the better. It is good for a $0.99 cent laugh.
We Made it! There Will Be RAWK on 11/17!
Thanks to your love and support, we made our goal for the HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT on Saturday 11/17/12.
This is an emotional and heartfelt THANK YOU!
We always knew you would come through for us when the chips are down. Just as we always come through for you with our theatrical house concert rock-n-roll that kicks you in the face.
It's going to be an awesome time on 11/17/12.
Good beer, tasty food, comfy seats, clean bathrooms, and a bunch of really cool people you will love partying with to our quality rock-n-roll in an intimate house concert setting.
If by some chance you missed the RSVP window to donate to the house concert by Rocktober 31 (a very apropos date), you can still come to the house concert.
Just RSVP via E-Mail and when you come to the party, bring one of the following:
1. Beer to share
2. Food to share
3. $5 for the fund (there will already be lots of food and beer)
But do RSVP and tell us what you are bringing, so we know you are coming and can plan around it.
We love you.
Thanks to your love and support, we made our goal for the HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT on Saturday 11/17/12.
This is an emotional and heartfelt THANK YOU!
We always knew you would come through for us when the chips are down. Just as we always come through for you with our theatrical house concert rock-n-roll that kicks you in the face.
It's going to be an awesome time on 11/17/12.
Good beer, tasty food, comfy seats, clean bathrooms, and a bunch of really cool people you will love partying with to our quality rock-n-roll in an intimate house concert setting.
If by some chance you missed the RSVP window to donate to the house concert by Rocktober 31 (a very apropos date), you can still come to the house concert.
Just RSVP via E-Mail and when you come to the party, bring one of the following:
1. Beer to share
2. Food to share
3. $5 for the fund (there will already be lots of food and beer)
But do RSVP and tell us what you are bringing, so we know you are coming and can plan around it.
We love you.
$10 in 10 Hours? We Can Do This!
Hi Friends.
Only 10 hours to go and we just need $10 more bucks to hit the funding goal for the 11/17 HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT.
That's just a $1 contribution from 10 people who love HIATVS and our vision for high energy fun rock in a party house concert setting, with fun peeps, great beer, and free food.
Or $5 from 2 people who want to come enjoy this awesome party (at a decent hour, at a house with clean bathrooms and comfy chairs, and a great band).
It takes literally < 2 minutes to login via FB and pledge (via Amazon).
Join us!
Even the band has pledged because we want to party with you too!
Only 10 hours to go and we just need $10 more bucks to hit the funding goal for the 11/17 HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT.
That's just a $1 contribution from 10 people who love HIATVS and our vision for high energy fun rock in a party house concert setting, with fun peeps, great beer, and free food.
Or $5 from 2 people who want to come enjoy this awesome party (at a decent hour, at a house with clean bathrooms and comfy chairs, and a great band).
It takes literally < 2 minutes to login via FB and pledge (via Amazon).
Join us!
Even the band has pledged because we want to party with you too!
The Final Countdown (The Chips Are LITERALLY Down)
Less than 24 hours to go for HIATVS to hit our project funding goal, and surprisingly, WE CAN DO THIS!
The last minute pledges to the HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT have been rolling in beyond our wildest expectations, even from people who just want to support our genius rock-n-roll vi
And if you can share this with 2 friends, that's good enough. Especially if they tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on...
But we sincerely hope you will come party with us and make a pledge. We love you regardless, but if you pledge we will shower you with even more unbridled adoration.
You know in your heart that HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL rules. Support it!
Everyone wants to meet you at the funnest house concert ever!
The last minute pledges to the HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT have been rolling in beyond our wildest expectations, even from people who just want to support our genius rock-n-roll vi
sion to transform live rock-n-roll (even though they can't come to the show).
Thank you all!
But we are not there yet, and we need your help.
Please at least check out the project at if you can share this with 2 friends, that's good enough. Especially if they tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on...
But we sincerely hope you will come party with us and make a pledge. We love you regardless, but if you pledge we will shower you with even more unbridled adoration.
You know in your heart that HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL rules. Support it!
Everyone wants to meet you at the funnest house concert ever!
Rocking in the Free World (Our Zero Negative Ad Guarantee)
There's not much time left for HIATVS to hit our project funding goal for the ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT on 11/17/12.
Tomorrow (Rocktober 31) is the last day to pledge and we need just a few more bucks.
Can you help?
We can do this, if we just have the collective will.
Consider this: you have no control over who the next President will be, because your one vote isn't going to swing any elections.
But you have complete control over helping make the world more ROCKING no matter who rules the free world going forward. Indeed, you can rock IN SPITE of them.
HIATVS rules the free world of house concert rock-n-roll, so come party with us on 11/17/12!
Tomorrow (Rocktober 31) is the last day to pledge and we need just a few more bucks.
Can you help?
We can do this, if we just have the collective will.
Consider this: you have no control over who the next President will be, because your one vote isn't going to swing any elections.
But you have complete control over helping make the world more ROCKING no matter who rules the free world going forward. Indeed, you can rock IN SPITE of them.
HIATVS rules the free world of house concert rock-n-roll, so come party with us on 11/17/12!
Only 2 Days Left to Hit Our ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT Project Goal
Please, please, please, please, please won't you help HIATVS hit our rock-n-roll house concert project underwriting goal by this Wednesday Rocktober 31.
The band gets nothing, we just need to be able to break even on food and beer.
A suggested donation of $1 or whatever you can spare is all it takes.
And thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much in advance.
The chips are literally down and we need a mad push to meet the modest $175 goal in the next 2 DAYS!
The band gets nothing, we just need to be able to break even on food and beer.
A suggested donation of $1 or whatever you can spare is all it takes.
And thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much in advance.
I have a story for you.
It's the story of how HIATVS, a super funky fun rock-n-roll house party cover band, came to be.
It all began in late 2011. AquaMunkee had been in a band called PUPPET SHOW and I (Manwich) had been in GUPPY EFFECT.
At about that time, other band members in both those bands told us they wanted to go on a "hiatus."
In rock-n-roll band speak, this is a polite way of saying, "I quit."
So Aqua and I both found ourselves in a quandary. Each of us had a non-functioning partial band that was about as useful as a pile of sand.
So we had this crazy notion to abandon our other bands entirely and join forces to create a vision for the most awesome rock-n-roll band.
That band was JEEBUS PREEBUS. I know. I know. We had not yet conceived of HIATVS yet.
But JEEBUS PREEBUS was a transitional phase, like the pupa between caterpillar and butterfly.
It was through JEEBUS PREEBUS that we were able to test drive our rock-n-roll vision and conceptualize our ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT performance model.
You see, our previous bands were bar bands, playing late at night in dive bars for a handful of people who were mostly out to party, not to hear great music.
We'd put our hearts and souls into learning songs, hauling music gear all of the place to perform, only to suffer through abuse and repeated calls for "Free Bird" until the wee hours of the morning. [Shudder...]
Our only recompense for that blood, sweat, and tears was to then have to pile all our music gear back into our cars and go home. To add insult to injury, the local police in the small towns we played in would then harass us by pulling us over, thinking we were drunks leaving the bar.
Sure, we might get paid sometimes, but it wasn't about the MONEY.
All we ever wanted was to put on a kickass rock-n-roll show for a packed house full of people who were there to appreciate us. We also thought playing shows at bars starting at 10 PM at night was a dumb idea, if we wanted to attract the kind of high value people who appreciate a good time but don't want to lose any sleep over it.
So Aqua and I recruited a couple of friends who were new to the band scene, blank slates, if you will, and you will. And we powered up JEEBUS PREEBUS, learning a bunch of fabulous high energy cover songs to perform at a packed house of our own creation (our own houses!). No more of this being at the whimsy of finicky ornery bar managers or playing on a Wednesday night to 3 people.
So, on 11/11/11, we hosted our first ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT, a potluck style party with free beer from Capital Brewery, and invited all our friends.
It went really well, and we knew we had something. A ton of friends showed up to hear us. They loved the music and the free beer. Because it was hosted at a house (Aqua's), the accommodations were awesome - comfy couches and clean bathrooms. Since we performed at a decently early hour, people did not have to stay up to all hours of the night to hear us. They appreciated that.
JEEBUS PREEBUS eventually morphed into HIATVS, but we still maintain our dedication to high energy rock-n-roll music and house concerts.
Truth be told, our last two shows were at the Capital Brewery in Middleton, but still at a decent time of day (5 to 9 PM) and for a good cause (I think). We played there because we have a lot of friends who patronize the Capital Brewery and we think of them as kind of the unofficial sponsor of HIATVS. We always buy their beer for our house concerts.
Someday, I'll bet we will have the prestige and fan base to ask them to be our OFFICIAL sponsor. They can give us discounts on house concert beer and we will praise and promote them at every opportunity. Although, right now we do that anyway, so there is really no incentive for them to sponsor us. But if it comes up in conversation, put in a good word about HIATVS, OK?
HIATVS is a power trio of guitar, bass, and drums (The Hammer, formerly PREEBUS ROYCE of J.P., plays the kit). The drums are electronic. As a result, not only do they sound AWESOME (perfect, in fact, because they are digitally sampled) but they can do what no "real" drum kit can do. THEY CAN PLAY QUIETLY.
But not too quietly. We still want to rock at an appreciable volume. It's rock-n-roll after all. It is just that now, the volume can preserve the lining of your ear drums and not attract too much attention from the neighbors (and by association, the cops). Plus, not playing too late at night also goes over well with the neighbors. Many times, the neighbors are at the house concert.
So HIATVS is here to stay. We hope you'll give us a chance to prove we are different and better. There is no reason to be shy coming to someone's house for a rock-n-roll house concert. The hosts want to have the house concert. They want the great rock music. They want you to come. It's unconventional, and we want unconventional people to come.
Let's all get to know each other and make new friends while eating free food, drinking free beer, and rocking to free rock-n-roll at someone's house. It's an inviting atmosphere and everyone is welcoming and friendly. We are still not doing it for the money. We are doing it for the VALUE.
HIATVS has just as much fun at the house concerts as our friends do when they come. It is really a totally different experience than going to a crappy bar late at night to hear a band. You will get a new appreciation for rock-n-roll performances after you have seen us play.
Our next house concert is in Madison WI on Saturday 11/17/12 from 6 to 10 PM. It is kind of a one year anniversary of the band, if you count the J.P. days. But it is also a birthday party for our host Stefan Chandler, whose house it will be at. He's actually the GUPPY EFFECT guitarist who went on "hiatus" originally in late 2011 and helped spark this whole crazy thing to begin with - see above - so it's kind of appropos, don't you think?
Stefan is going to perform a set of his solo acoustic music at the start of the 11/17 house concert. Back in 2011, he actually wanted to go on hiatus to focus on his song writing and working on a solo album. He's fabulous. Then HIATVS will perform after him.
So you get 2 great musical acts, all the free food and beer you can eat, and a fun time, all in a consequence free environment. We are asking for a $5 suggested donation to the party fund, but if you prefer to bring a dish of food or a 12-pack of beer to share instead, that's perfectly fine. A $10 donation gets you a retro GUPPY EFFECT or PUPPET SHOW t-shirt (while they last), in addition to food, drink, and rock.
We would really like an RSVP, so we have an idea how many people are coming.
You can do that via e-mail (, or you can leave a comment below this post, or you can CLICK HERE (if you want to pledge a small donation to the fund by way of RSVP).
If you haven't been to a HIATVS HOUSE CONCERT yet, we really hope you will try it out. Get out of your comfort zone. You will really enjoy yourself.
p.s. As of this writing, we only have 7 days to hit our party fundraising deadline. We'll still have the party if we don't hit it, but it really helps with the costs if you can make a small contribution of $1 or more.
It's the story of how HIATVS, a super funky fun rock-n-roll house party cover band, came to be.
It all began in late 2011. AquaMunkee had been in a band called PUPPET SHOW and I (Manwich) had been in GUPPY EFFECT.
At about that time, other band members in both those bands told us they wanted to go on a "hiatus."
In rock-n-roll band speak, this is a polite way of saying, "I quit."
So Aqua and I both found ourselves in a quandary. Each of us had a non-functioning partial band that was about as useful as a pile of sand.
So we had this crazy notion to abandon our other bands entirely and join forces to create a vision for the most awesome rock-n-roll band.
That band was JEEBUS PREEBUS. I know. I know. We had not yet conceived of HIATVS yet.
But JEEBUS PREEBUS was a transitional phase, like the pupa between caterpillar and butterfly.
It was through JEEBUS PREEBUS that we were able to test drive our rock-n-roll vision and conceptualize our ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT performance model.
You see, our previous bands were bar bands, playing late at night in dive bars for a handful of people who were mostly out to party, not to hear great music.
We'd put our hearts and souls into learning songs, hauling music gear all of the place to perform, only to suffer through abuse and repeated calls for "Free Bird" until the wee hours of the morning. [Shudder...]
Our only recompense for that blood, sweat, and tears was to then have to pile all our music gear back into our cars and go home. To add insult to injury, the local police in the small towns we played in would then harass us by pulling us over, thinking we were drunks leaving the bar.
Sure, we might get paid sometimes, but it wasn't about the MONEY.
All we ever wanted was to put on a kickass rock-n-roll show for a packed house full of people who were there to appreciate us. We also thought playing shows at bars starting at 10 PM at night was a dumb idea, if we wanted to attract the kind of high value people who appreciate a good time but don't want to lose any sleep over it.
So Aqua and I recruited a couple of friends who were new to the band scene, blank slates, if you will, and you will. And we powered up JEEBUS PREEBUS, learning a bunch of fabulous high energy cover songs to perform at a packed house of our own creation (our own houses!). No more of this being at the whimsy of finicky ornery bar managers or playing on a Wednesday night to 3 people.
So, on 11/11/11, we hosted our first ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT, a potluck style party with free beer from Capital Brewery, and invited all our friends.
It went really well, and we knew we had something. A ton of friends showed up to hear us. They loved the music and the free beer. Because it was hosted at a house (Aqua's), the accommodations were awesome - comfy couches and clean bathrooms. Since we performed at a decently early hour, people did not have to stay up to all hours of the night to hear us. They appreciated that.
JEEBUS PREEBUS eventually morphed into HIATVS, but we still maintain our dedication to high energy rock-n-roll music and house concerts.
Truth be told, our last two shows were at the Capital Brewery in Middleton, but still at a decent time of day (5 to 9 PM) and for a good cause (I think). We played there because we have a lot of friends who patronize the Capital Brewery and we think of them as kind of the unofficial sponsor of HIATVS. We always buy their beer for our house concerts.
Someday, I'll bet we will have the prestige and fan base to ask them to be our OFFICIAL sponsor. They can give us discounts on house concert beer and we will praise and promote them at every opportunity. Although, right now we do that anyway, so there is really no incentive for them to sponsor us. But if it comes up in conversation, put in a good word about HIATVS, OK?
HIATVS is a power trio of guitar, bass, and drums (The Hammer, formerly PREEBUS ROYCE of J.P., plays the kit). The drums are electronic. As a result, not only do they sound AWESOME (perfect, in fact, because they are digitally sampled) but they can do what no "real" drum kit can do. THEY CAN PLAY QUIETLY.
But not too quietly. We still want to rock at an appreciable volume. It's rock-n-roll after all. It is just that now, the volume can preserve the lining of your ear drums and not attract too much attention from the neighbors (and by association, the cops). Plus, not playing too late at night also goes over well with the neighbors. Many times, the neighbors are at the house concert.
So HIATVS is here to stay. We hope you'll give us a chance to prove we are different and better. There is no reason to be shy coming to someone's house for a rock-n-roll house concert. The hosts want to have the house concert. They want the great rock music. They want you to come. It's unconventional, and we want unconventional people to come.
Let's all get to know each other and make new friends while eating free food, drinking free beer, and rocking to free rock-n-roll at someone's house. It's an inviting atmosphere and everyone is welcoming and friendly. We are still not doing it for the money. We are doing it for the VALUE.
HIATVS has just as much fun at the house concerts as our friends do when they come. It is really a totally different experience than going to a crappy bar late at night to hear a band. You will get a new appreciation for rock-n-roll performances after you have seen us play.
Our next house concert is in Madison WI on Saturday 11/17/12 from 6 to 10 PM. It is kind of a one year anniversary of the band, if you count the J.P. days. But it is also a birthday party for our host Stefan Chandler, whose house it will be at. He's actually the GUPPY EFFECT guitarist who went on "hiatus" originally in late 2011 and helped spark this whole crazy thing to begin with - see above - so it's kind of appropos, don't you think?
Stefan is going to perform a set of his solo acoustic music at the start of the 11/17 house concert. Back in 2011, he actually wanted to go on hiatus to focus on his song writing and working on a solo album. He's fabulous. Then HIATVS will perform after him.
So you get 2 great musical acts, all the free food and beer you can eat, and a fun time, all in a consequence free environment. We are asking for a $5 suggested donation to the party fund, but if you prefer to bring a dish of food or a 12-pack of beer to share instead, that's perfectly fine. A $10 donation gets you a retro GUPPY EFFECT or PUPPET SHOW t-shirt (while they last), in addition to food, drink, and rock.
We would really like an RSVP, so we have an idea how many people are coming.
You can do that via e-mail (, or you can leave a comment below this post, or you can CLICK HERE (if you want to pledge a small donation to the fund by way of RSVP).
If you haven't been to a HIATVS HOUSE CONCERT yet, we really hope you will try it out. Get out of your comfort zone. You will really enjoy yourself.
p.s. As of this writing, we only have 7 days to hit our party fundraising deadline. We'll still have the party if we don't hit it, but it really helps with the costs if you can make a small contribution of $1 or more.
PLEASE HELP: Only About a Week to Hit Our Rock-n-Roll House Concert Project Goal
Hello, my friends!
My awesome rock band HIATVS only has about a week to hit our project funding deadline for the rock-n-roll house concert we want to throw on Saturday November 17.
We gave ourselves the entire month of Rocktober to raise the necessary underwriting to put on a proper concert. If we don't raise it by Rocktober 31, we can't afford to do it. But we would really love to do it and rock all our friends from 6 to 10 pm on 11/17/12 in Madison WI, at a very nice house of a good friend of ours.
So we could really use your help in one of the following very easy and inexpensive ways.
1. Make a nominal donation of $5 or more and come eat and drink your fill at the house concert (check out the prizes for higher pledge levels). Visit for deets and easy donating instructions.
2. Donate as little as $1 even if you can't make it that evening, because you love our band and what we are trying to do. See also
3. Tell some friends about it. All are welcome. Just share this website with them, or post it on your social media:
4. #1 and #3.
5. #2 and #3.
HIATVS does not get a penny of this money. YOU DO! We are throwing this house concert because we want to rock all our friends in an inviting house concert setting where the seats are comfy couches and the bathrooms are clean.
Thank you sooo much for helping us do this!
My awesome rock band HIATVS only has about a week to hit our project funding deadline for the rock-n-roll house concert we want to throw on Saturday November 17.
We gave ourselves the entire month of Rocktober to raise the necessary underwriting to put on a proper concert. If we don't raise it by Rocktober 31, we can't afford to do it. But we would really love to do it and rock all our friends from 6 to 10 pm on 11/17/12 in Madison WI, at a very nice house of a good friend of ours.
So we could really use your help in one of the following very easy and inexpensive ways.
1. Make a nominal donation of $5 or more and come eat and drink your fill at the house concert (check out the prizes for higher pledge levels). Visit for deets and easy donating instructions.
2. Donate as little as $1 even if you can't make it that evening, because you love our band and what we are trying to do. See also
3. Tell some friends about it. All are welcome. Just share this website with them, or post it on your social media:
4. #1 and #3.
5. #2 and #3.
HIATVS does not get a penny of this money. YOU DO! We are throwing this house concert because we want to rock all our friends in an inviting house concert setting where the seats are comfy couches and the bathrooms are clean.
Thank you sooo much for helping us do this!
To Rock or Not to Rock? (That is the Question Only You Can Answer)
It's Rocktober 15, exactly half way through our fundraiser for the rock-n-roll house concert we want to throw on 11/17/12.
But as of now, we are only about 25% of the way to our fundraising goal. We need to catch up!
Won't you take a few minutes to pledge as little as $1 to help us further our rock-n-roll vision to provide theatrical and entertaining high energy rock-n-roll in the comfort of someone's living room?
Everyone is invited to the house concert on 11/17/12. Don't be shy. It will be hosted by former GUPPY EFFECT guitarist Stefan Chandler, at his house. He is even going to perform a set of his awesome solo acoustic songs for you, and he wants you to be there.
If for some reason you can't come, but you still believe in us and our rock, PLEASE MAKE A DONATION to the tip jar so we can throw this pre-holiday house concert.
We do it this way because we want our house concerts to be driven by YOU. A ton of work goes into putting on a house concert, behind the scenes stuff that no one sees. The band doesn't make any money at these, it all goes to the host and underwriting the party.
We just love to rock-n-roll.
Do you?
Do it for yourself or do it for the children (it's an early family-friendly event).
Or do it for the DAWGS!
But as of now, we are only about 25% of the way to our fundraising goal. We need to catch up!
Won't you take a few minutes to pledge as little as $1 to help us further our rock-n-roll vision to provide theatrical and entertaining high energy rock-n-roll in the comfort of someone's living room?
Everyone is invited to the house concert on 11/17/12. Don't be shy. It will be hosted by former GUPPY EFFECT guitarist Stefan Chandler, at his house. He is even going to perform a set of his awesome solo acoustic songs for you, and he wants you to be there.
If for some reason you can't come, but you still believe in us and our rock, PLEASE MAKE A DONATION to the tip jar so we can throw this pre-holiday house concert.
We do it this way because we want our house concerts to be driven by YOU. A ton of work goes into putting on a house concert, behind the scenes stuff that no one sees. The band doesn't make any money at these, it all goes to the host and underwriting the party.
We just love to rock-n-roll.
Do you?
Do it for yourself or do it for the children (it's an early family-friendly event).
Or do it for the DAWGS!
Cover bands are popular and that’s why there are a ton of them out there.
But most of them are pretty much adhering to the same tired schtick, playing a bunch of generic bland cover songs in crappy bars to apathetic crowds, in order to sell more beer for the music venue.
That gets old. And more importantly, the world does not need another generic cover band. Very few, if any, cover bands are trying to do something different and cutting edge. When you have seen one, you have seen them all.
Then there is HIATVS.
Shunning crappy dive bars and apathetic people, HIATVS is a more exclusive and innovative cover band, performing cutting edge, high energy, theatrical rock-n-roll house concerts that attract a more selective and fun loving type of person.
The house concerts take place in someone’s house, a much more inviting environment than a crappy bar full of idiots, because the person is willfully inviting awesome rock-n-roll and fun people into their home. The people at the house concert are there by choice, because they want to hear a great rock-n-roll performance hanging out with fun, like minded people, and consuming free food and beer. It's win-win.
The price of admission is just a side dish or some beverages to share at the house concert (or a $5 suggested donation, in advance, if it’s too much truck to bring something to share).
The beauty of rock-n-roll house concerts is that they are about the people and the music, not selling beer for the music venue. HIATVS does not get any money for performing house concerts, but what they get is VALUE - the camaraderie and loyalty of friends and fans who appreciate being able to hear great live music in a warm and inviting social environment, where everyone is there to enjoy the music and each other, the chairs are comfortable, and the bathrooms are clean.
We love you.
Happy Rocktober!
It's Rocktober, so I am just going to give it to you straight.
HIATVS needs more partygoers if we are going to make this ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT happen on November 17th.
If you love our irreverent high energy theatrical rock-n-roll and want to watch some of it (while eating pizza and drinking good beer with a bunch of new cool friends), go here:
There is no other rock-n-roll band that does what we do (house concerts) as well as we do (always good beer and a bunch of tasty food, great music, fun people, free parking, and clean bathrooms).
We know we are ahead of our time, but that doesn't mean you have to miss the bus.
Don't be shy. We guarantee you will leave the party fully satisfied and happy, with a bunch of new friends and an appreciation for ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERTS.
We do this for YOU!
NOTE: HIATVS does not get any of the suggested donation money. We just like to party as much as you do. All the donations go to beer and food. That's it.
HIATVS needs more partygoers if we are going to make this ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT happen on November 17th.
If you love our irreverent high energy theatrical rock-n-roll and want to watch some of it (while eating pizza and drinking good beer with a bunch of new cool friends), go here:
There is no other rock-n-roll band that does what we do (house concerts) as well as we do (always good beer and a bunch of tasty food, great music, fun people, free parking, and clean bathrooms).
We know we are ahead of our time, but that doesn't mean you have to miss the bus.
Don't be shy. We guarantee you will leave the party fully satisfied and happy, with a bunch of new friends and an appreciation for ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERTS.
We do this for YOU!
NOTE: HIATVS does not get any of the suggested donation money. We just like to party as much as you do. All the donations go to beer and food. That's it.
Hi Friends.
So let's get this party started. RSVP NOW! (Deadline to RSVP is Rocktober 31.)
We hope to see you at the most rocking house concert party in Madison WI!
The next HIATVS ROCK-N-ROLL HOUSE CONCERT is on Saturday November 17th, 6-10 PM at GUPPY EFFECT ex-guitarist Stefan Chandler’s house in Madison WI (deets and directions provided with RSVP).
Beer and pizza too! And you know it will be good beer and greasy pizza.
Social hour is 6 to 7 PM.
Then Stefan will perform some solo tunes (7-8 PM), followed by HIATVS rock-n-roll awesomeness (8 PM on), all in the comfort of Stefan’s living room with a few good friends.
We are trying something different this time to see if enough people are interested in attending the concert. Check out the Kickstarter project and video we just launched.
We only want to have a party if you do too!
So let's get this party started. RSVP NOW! (Deadline to RSVP is Rocktober 31.)
We hope to see you at the most rocking house concert party in Madison WI!
Next Show
Hi Friends.
The next show will be a house concert on Saturday November 17. Mark your calendar.
The invite will go out on Rocktober 1 and there is a suggested donation of $5 with your RSVP (for all you can eat and drink and rock).
More deets to come.
The next show will be a house concert on Saturday November 17. Mark your calendar.
The invite will go out on Rocktober 1 and there is a suggested donation of $5 with your RSVP (for all you can eat and drink and rock).
More deets to come.
Hey. Thanks to all you rockers who came out to our show at Capital Brewery last night (9/20/12). We love you.
Every time HIATUS plays, people who know me always tell me, "I have never seen you smile so much..."
There is a reason for this.
I do love to rock, of course. But the main reason I am smiling is because I am so amazed by how we are managing to hold the rock show and stage performance together as well as we do. The audience doesn't know this, but when we play we are always right on the very edge of total derailment, crashing and burning, at all times.
Yet we don't. We take it right up to the limit, but not beyond, and that is why I am smiling. Because there is no train wreck, and I can't believe it. But I am enjoying the maximal rocking we are firehosing in your face too.
We are tentatively toying with the idea of our next show being a house concert on Saturday November 17th, 6 to 10 PM at a location TBD. So tentatively mark it in your calendar and stay tuned.
Every time HIATUS plays, people who know me always tell me, "I have never seen you smile so much..."
There is a reason for this.
I do love to rock, of course. But the main reason I am smiling is because I am so amazed by how we are managing to hold the rock show and stage performance together as well as we do. The audience doesn't know this, but when we play we are always right on the very edge of total derailment, crashing and burning, at all times.
Yet we don't. We take it right up to the limit, but not beyond, and that is why I am smiling. Because there is no train wreck, and I can't believe it. But I am enjoying the maximal rocking we are firehosing in your face too.
We are tentatively toying with the idea of our next show being a house concert on Saturday November 17th, 6 to 10 PM at a location TBD. So tentatively mark it in your calendar and stay tuned.
Rock Gods Smiling on Tomorrow's Blitzkrieg of Rock
The Rock Gods are really smiling on our HIATUS rock-n-roll show tomorrow, weatherwise, although you might want to wear a hoodie later in the evening...along with your dancing shoes and diapers (the latter is highly recommended, due to the multiple times your @$$ will be blown out at this show!).
The Rock Gods are really smiling on our HIATUS rock-n-roll show tomorrow, weatherwise, although you might want to wear a hoodie later in the evening...along with your dancing shoes and diapers (the latter is highly recommended, due to the multiple times your @$$ will be blown out at this show!).

Rock Fuel
Dudes who work at pizza places swagger around acting aloof and cool, but they still are dudes who work at a pizza place. There is no amount of chubby, comic book afficianado smugness that can trump that sad fact. Don't get me wrong. I worked at a pizza place in high school. I did not aspire to it. I did not take pride in it. Indeed, it sucked. And so I more or less embraced the suck, did my time, and got out.
That said, I do like the fact that the employees at Roman Candle Pizzeria in Middleton WI seem to enjoy their jobs. That is mainly because I am here waiting for them to whip me up a couple of 'zas and I would be a lot more worried about spittle or fingernails in the pizza sauce if these were malaise-ridden, angsty, service drones who hated THE MAN.
The Roman Candle is a good place. They have a ton of vegan and veggie options for the pizza. It's not cheap, but I give them high marks for accommodating granola types and style.
I decided to be generous and spring for 2 pizzas for HIATUS band practice tonight. Lord knows I have consumed a decent amount of the band's hard earned beer fund, so it is about time I contributed. Not that my rocking awesomeness is not payment enough, but I am just that kind of guy.
So here I sit at Roman Candle waiting for them to complete the "rock fuel" that will power the band practice of the greatest and best Wisconsin cover band to date.
These hipster pizza dudes have no idea what their toils are going towards. If they did, they would bow down before me and offer me the 2 pizza pies for free, with much humble praise and prostration. But I am not looking for accolades. I just want a belly full of pizza to tide me over during the martial arts exercises that compose a HIATUS band practice.
On Thursday September 20, HIATUS puts all our skills to the test when we rock the arses off the people at Capital Brewery in Middleton. 5 to 9 PM.
Be there.
That said, I do like the fact that the employees at Roman Candle Pizzeria in Middleton WI seem to enjoy their jobs. That is mainly because I am here waiting for them to whip me up a couple of 'zas and I would be a lot more worried about spittle or fingernails in the pizza sauce if these were malaise-ridden, angsty, service drones who hated THE MAN.
The Roman Candle is a good place. They have a ton of vegan and veggie options for the pizza. It's not cheap, but I give them high marks for accommodating granola types and style.
I decided to be generous and spring for 2 pizzas for HIATUS band practice tonight. Lord knows I have consumed a decent amount of the band's hard earned beer fund, so it is about time I contributed. Not that my rocking awesomeness is not payment enough, but I am just that kind of guy.
So here I sit at Roman Candle waiting for them to complete the "rock fuel" that will power the band practice of the greatest and best Wisconsin cover band to date.
These hipster pizza dudes have no idea what their toils are going towards. If they did, they would bow down before me and offer me the 2 pizza pies for free, with much humble praise and prostration. But I am not looking for accolades. I just want a belly full of pizza to tide me over during the martial arts exercises that compose a HIATUS band practice.
On Thursday September 20, HIATUS puts all our skills to the test when we rock the arses off the people at Capital Brewery in Middleton. 5 to 9 PM.
Be there.
Closing Down Summer With HIATUS on September 20
Hi Friends.
Labor Day weekend is NOT the last weekend of summer as all the Negative Nellies and Debbie Downers would lead you to believe.
No indeed.
Per astronomy, that wonderful science of the planetary bodies, the last moment of summer is the Autumnal Equinox, which is not until Saturday September 22 at 10:49 AM (EDT).
This Labor Day weekend is merely the kickoff to the final fortnight and a half (3 weeks) of summer, that frenetic period of panic as you realize you have not done everything you wanted to do this summer (or on rare occasions, the satisfied contentedness that indeed you have had a fabulously productive and fun summer).
So when HIATUS rocks the Capital Brewery in Middleton WI on Thursday September 20 (5-9 PM), it will be one of the last great rock-n-roll shows of summer 2012. And you should be there.
That should be your heralding out of summer 2012. Labor Day weekend is just a long weekend to go have some fun and think about how you are going to MAXIMIZE your fun the last 3 weeks of summer 2012, culminating with the incredibly awesome, arse-blowing rock show by HIATUS on September 20 (you will need 2 days to recover from the insane fun levels you will achieve at this show, which will carry you into fall...).
See ya.
HIATUS @ Capital Brewery (Middleton WI) Tonight (8/4/12)!
5 to 9 PM. Unbridled, @$$ blowing rock-n-roll.
I will be channeling some Derek Smalls (with a hint of Lemmy).
I will be channeling some Derek Smalls (with a hint of Lemmy).
On August 4th an Amazing Thing Will Happen
Hiatus does not have any shows in July.
But almost as soon as August gets here, we will be performing perhaps the best rock-n-roll show you will ever see, hands down.
That is, of course, unless you do not come. In which case you will miss it.
Some people will miss it. That is just a fact. The Capital Brewery in Madison is a fairly large place, but it can only hold a finite number of people in the beer garden. Some people will have other obligations on their calendars, and unaware of how amazingly awesome this show is going to be, they won't change those plans in order to come and hear the greatest and best rock-n-roll show by any cover band ever.
Some of you may actually be doubting how awesome this show will be and think I am just wagging my tongue (fingers) and exaggerating. I think I pity this latter group the most.
We are not hiding the fact about this show and how amazing it will be. You can just look at the set list and tell that even on the basis of just the songs, people will be crapping themselves with glee. But when you see how these songs are presented by the uber entertaining Hiatus power trio, you will not just crap yourself with glee, you will literally have glee-filled projectile diarrhea.
We want everyone to experience it and be fulfilled.
But we can only lead a horse to water (beer)...
Oh, we play about 5 PM at Capital on Saturday 8/4. It's free.
But almost as soon as August gets here, we will be performing perhaps the best rock-n-roll show you will ever see, hands down.
That is, of course, unless you do not come. In which case you will miss it.
Some people will miss it. That is just a fact. The Capital Brewery in Madison is a fairly large place, but it can only hold a finite number of people in the beer garden. Some people will have other obligations on their calendars, and unaware of how amazingly awesome this show is going to be, they won't change those plans in order to come and hear the greatest and best rock-n-roll show by any cover band ever.
Some of you may actually be doubting how awesome this show will be and think I am just wagging my tongue (fingers) and exaggerating. I think I pity this latter group the most.
We are not hiding the fact about this show and how amazing it will be. You can just look at the set list and tell that even on the basis of just the songs, people will be crapping themselves with glee. But when you see how these songs are presented by the uber entertaining Hiatus power trio, you will not just crap yourself with glee, you will literally have glee-filled projectile diarrhea.
We want everyone to experience it and be fulfilled.
But we can only lead a horse to water (beer)...
Oh, we play about 5 PM at Capital on Saturday 8/4. It's free.
CRIVESTIVUS CRIVESTIVAL begins sometime tomorrow, whenever the hippies can pause their tube pulling and get it going.
I (Manwich) will be cruising up to Crivitz, WI via Osh Kosh, WI about 9 AM tomorrow.
Aqua and Hammer will arrive some time on Saturday morning, amply early to prepare for our planet-saving rock-n-roll set that commences about noon.
CRIVESTIVUS provides non-stop bands and unlimited free beer all weekend. Granted, the free beer avoids the legalities of liquor sales. But it also attracts hundreds of beer and music loving people who are super fun to party with.
Presumably, if you are reading this, you are going, or at least have a really good reason for not going.
Actually, it was touch and go there for HIATUS briefly. At the last minute, Hammer found out that THE MAN might want to send him off to Georgia for a critical work emergency (there is actually no such is a myth). THE MAN could have single-handedly destroyed the earth by preventing our earth-saving funkelicious music.
I am glad that didn't happen.
Anyway, our magnum opus at CRIVESTIVUS will be our sweet cover of NO QUARTER by Led Zeppelin.
Hi Friends!
As many of you already know, HIATUS will be rocking at Wisconsin's funnest summer festival, CRIVESTIVUS, on Saturday June 23, 2012 (noon time slot).
There will also be about 10 other bands and unlimited keggage of totally FREE BEER all weekend long.
The fest runs from Friday 6/22 to Sunday 6/24 (no bands on Sunday though, just cleanup and travel).
If you work for THE MAN, take a sick (of work) day and cruise on up Friday to party with us.
It's a camping style fest, so bring lawn chairs, tents, sleeping bags, food, and drink (if you are too good for the free beer).
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
The most frequent question is, "Are there any tickets left?" I believe the fest still has them online for $60/each, but the band has 3 weekend passes available for a discounted rate of $50/each.
We look forward to partying hard with you this weekend in a rare festival setting (you know our policy...the free beer was the kicker!).
As many of you already know, HIATUS will be rocking at Wisconsin's funnest summer festival, CRIVESTIVUS, on Saturday June 23, 2012 (noon time slot).
There will also be about 10 other bands and unlimited keggage of totally FREE BEER all weekend long.
The fest runs from Friday 6/22 to Sunday 6/24 (no bands on Sunday though, just cleanup and travel).
If you work for THE MAN, take a sick (of work) day and cruise on up Friday to party with us.
It's a camping style fest, so bring lawn chairs, tents, sleeping bags, food, and drink (if you are too good for the free beer).
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
The most frequent question is, "Are there any tickets left?" I believe the fest still has them online for $60/each, but the band has 3 weekend passes available for a discounted rate of $50/each.
We look forward to partying hard with you this weekend in a rare festival setting (you know our policy...the free beer was the kicker!).
4 Crivestivus Weekend Passes Available (20% Discount)
We have 4 weekend passes available for CRIVESTIVUS WEEKEND June 22-24.
We are playing at noon on Saturday June 23.
They are $50/each and first come first served.
UNLIMITED FREE BEER with admish all weekend, plus bands, cliff jumping, camping and fun.
Let us know.
Last Call for Rockahol (and Free Beer)
Hi. Just a reminder that tomorrow is a rare Hiatus House Concert, in honor of Cinco de Mayo and scuba diving (feel free to costume it up). It's from 5 PM to whenever. The beer (from Capital cheap beer for our fans) is FREE. Bring something to share, like a side dish or dessert (extra beer is ok too). Our next show isn't until June 23 at Crivestivus Festivus, and that one is way the heck up in NE Wisconsin (you should still try to come though...the beer is FREE there too!).
So, get your butt down to this party tomorrow. Great people, ample parking, no hassles, rock, and beer.
So, get your butt down to this party tomorrow. Great people, ample parking, no hassles, rock, and beer.
Crivestivus (for the rest of us) Early Bird Special Ends Today
Today is the last day to get Crivestivus (Festivus) tickets at a discount. They go full price tomorrow. Remember, it is unlimited free beer all weekend (June 22-24). You have been warned and my duty has been done.
HIATUS plays on Saturday June 23 around noon.
100% FREE BEER @ Crivestivus Summer Music Fest
Hi Friends.
As far as I know, Crivestivus (June 22-24) is the only Wisconsin summer music and camping festival with 100% completely FREE and UNLIMITED BEER all weekend long.
As free beer is in keeping with HIATUS's totally free beer policy, we'll be playing Crivestivus on Saturday June 23, around noon.
You'll be there! Unless of course you hate free beer, rock-n-roll, and outdoor summer fun (hater!).
Visit for the band lineup and deets. It's up north of Green Bay a piece.
We'll see you at the HOUSE PARTY on Saturday May 5th, and you can get all your questions answered then. But buy your tickets for Crivestivus ONLINE. We don't have them.
Love Hiatus.
As far as I know, Crivestivus (June 22-24) is the only Wisconsin summer music and camping festival with 100% completely FREE and UNLIMITED BEER all weekend long.
As free beer is in keeping with HIATUS's totally free beer policy, we'll be playing Crivestivus on Saturday June 23, around noon.
You'll be there! Unless of course you hate free beer, rock-n-roll, and outdoor summer fun (hater!).
Visit for the band lineup and deets. It's up north of Green Bay a piece.
We'll see you at the HOUSE PARTY on Saturday May 5th, and you can get all your questions answered then. But buy your tickets for Crivestivus ONLINE. We don't have them.
Love Hiatus.
The House Party Hiatus is Over!
Hi Friends!
Our first house party of 2012 is on Saturday May 5th from 6 to 10 PM at HIATUS PARTY HQ in Cross Plains, WI.
RSVP for deets by leaving a comment on this post below.
We can't wait to rock you and give you all the FREE BEER you want.
Our first house party of 2012 is on Saturday May 5th from 6 to 10 PM at HIATUS PARTY HQ in Cross Plains, WI.
RSVP for deets by leaving a comment on this post below.
We can't wait to rock you and give you all the FREE BEER you want.
House Parties and Free Beer
HIATUS has sort of tentatively landed on a mission and vision of being a HOUSE PARTY band.
What is better than a captive audience of fun people who are there to drink free beer and party.
However, this model depends on 3 things.
1. Rock.
2. Beer.
3. You.
We will gladly rock all night for you, for FREE. We want you to have a good time, dance, carry on.
However, beer is not free (outside of our dreams), and that is the quandary.
Of course, we aren't going to charge people $ to come to the party. Instead, we will probably just pass the hat and ask for a nominal donation of $5 or whatever you can spare toward beer fund.
$5 all you can drink, and a live band that rocks. Is it worth it?
You tell us. Comment below.
What is better than a captive audience of fun people who are there to drink free beer and party.
However, this model depends on 3 things.
1. Rock.
2. Beer.
3. You.
We will gladly rock all night for you, for FREE. We want you to have a good time, dance, carry on.
However, beer is not free (outside of our dreams), and that is the quandary.
Of course, we aren't going to charge people $ to come to the party. Instead, we will probably just pass the hat and ask for a nominal donation of $5 or whatever you can spare toward beer fund.
$5 all you can drink, and a live band that rocks. Is it worth it?
You tell us. Comment below.
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